"It isn't about the technology, it is about the learning"
This site has been created to encourage the effective use of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in the classroom. I have created it in my role as Head of ICT at Neale-Wade Community College.
Details and resources from a presentation + workshop delivered as part of the CambsMoodle conference in Summer 2008. Covers the use of my ContentGenerator.net software to generate SCORM-enabled .swf files that can be tracked within Moodle
Step-by-step guidance to help you create a presentation from scratch - setup invisible buttons to act as hyperlinks and then create a template to develop further with your own multimedia resources.
Module providing an introduction to Actionscript and how to create a quick true-false quiz by editing existing code. Covers Arrays and Variables, building confidence to delve deeper into Actionscript code.
Turn a poem into a Flash presentation - covers Motion Tweens and related animation effects including scaling, rotation, movement, easing and filter effects.
This course has been created to provide suggestions and code extracts to slot into existing and developing games. Ideal for those who want to experiment.
Course created for colleagues at Neale-Wade to introduce and help them to make more of our Moodle at http://www.nwvle.net. Is specific to Neale-Wade but all the advice can be used for any Moodle installation.